Rapper Killer Mike, also known as Michael Render, found himself in legal trouble shortly after celebrating a triumphant night at the Grammy Awards. On Sunday night, just after clinching three Grammy wins, Render was arrested on a misdemeanor charge.
The incident occurred shortly after 4 p.m. PT, when police detained and handcuffed the rapper over an alleged physical altercation at the 700 block of Chick Hearn Court, near the Crypto.com Arena where the Grammys ceremony took place. Render was taken into custody and subsequently transported to Central Division.
He was booked on a misdemeanor battery charge, marking a stark turn of events following his Grammy victories. Render’s accolades at the Grammys included wins for Best Rap Album for “Michael,” as well as Best Rap Performance and Best Song for “Scientists & Engineers.”
Authorities indicated that Render was in the process of being released as of Sunday night. However, a representative for the artist did not immediately respond to requests for comment from ABC News regarding the incident.
The arrest of the prominent rapper following his Grammy success has undoubtedly raised eyebrows and sparked questions about the circumstances surrounding the altercation and its implications for Render’s career moving forward.