corona Updates Health

Is Corona responsible for heart attacks in youth?

New Delhi, 29 December 2023, While COVID-19 can increase the risk of heart attack, it’s not the sole reason for the rise in heart attacks among young people. There are several complex factors at play, and it’s important to understand the bigger picture to effectively address this issue. Here’s how COVID-19 can contribute to heart […]

corona Updates

कोरोना से हुई 5 मौतों पर मचा हडकंप, नये वेरिएंट ने रोकी सांसे

कोरोना से हुई 5 मौतों पर मचा हडकंप, नये वेरिएंट ने रोकी सांसे नई दिल्ली, 18 दिसम्बर 2023, ईश्वर न करे कि देशवासी साल के सबसे खुबसूरत और अंतिम माह दिसम्बर से ही डर के कारण घबराने लगे. ये बात हम ऐसे ही नहीं कह रहे बल्कि इस भय के पीछे बड़ा कारण है. वर्ष […]


Masks return to US markets as holiday 2023 begins

New York, 17 December 2023, Scene: A crowded shopping center in the weeks before Christmas. Or a bustling warehouse store. Perhaps a packed airport terminal, commuter train station, or any other location where people gather in large numbers. Crowds everywhere. Look around, though, and you’ll notice one thing largely missing these days: face masks. Rare […]


NSW Premier Chris Minns Contracts COVID-19, Missing Parliament’s Final Sitting Week

NSW Premier Chris Minns has announced that he has tested positive for COVID-19, forcing him to miss the start of the state parliament’s final sitting week. In a social media post, Mr. Minns disclosed that he had taken a rapid antigen test, which confirmed the diagnosis, after experiencing unwellness in the morning. “I’m currently at […]